Rods, Sheets, Tubes
Copolymer of nylon with excellent mechanical features, it combines the good impact resistances of PA6 as well as the higher stiffness of PA66. For this reason it machines very well on automatic tools and on CNC centres. The U.V. stabilisation makes it light resistant and it is therefore suitable for outdoor applications.
Wear resistance: good even in demanding environments
Toughness: high tensile stress and compressive strength
Self-lubricating: the friction coefficient is low and generally for sliding application it does not require lubricators
U.V. resistance: particularly suitable for outdoor applications it withstands atmospheric agents and low temperatures very well
Machining on automatic tools is easy thanks to the breaking of shavings during machining and to its higher stiffness
Black colour
Weak Points
It is hygroscopic (even if at lower extent than PA6) therefore the mechanical features and the dimensions will change consequently
Mechanical: thanks to its higher stiffness compared to PA6 and its higher shock resistance compared to PA66, this material is increasingly being used in the mechanical field to produce gears, cams, pulleys, anti-wear guides, wheels and other components, notably for outdoor use. In the field of construction and earthmoving equipment Akulon GX can be found in guides, bearings and pulleys. it is particularly suitable for machining on automatic lathes
Food contact: generally it is not used in contact with food
Electrical: use in the electrical field is to be avoided as the electrical features change with the moisture content. It is sometimes used when its mechanical features are required
Chemical: it is resistant to alkali, inorganic compounds and solvents